Liz' s Musings's

Liz's musings on life – mostly her kids though.

06/06/07 The first timeout … June 6, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — Liz @ 8:38 pm

Christopher got his first timeout tonight. He knew he was being punished too. I only did it for about a minute but he was really sad by the time it was over. He had been being just a little butt; throwing things at me, pinching me, and hitting me. I had had enough and carried him to the end of the living room and told him he had to sit there until I said it was ok to get up. He got up and got a ball and I put him back and told him to stay there. He got up one more time and I told him to sit down in a voice that meant business. He sat and did nothing for a whole minute. When I told him he could get up, he got up slowly and when I walked over to him he started to cry. So I picked him up and he got distracted with a bird outside. He just didn’t want to hear about listening and being nice to mommy. He gets that he did something wrong but he doesn’t seem to get that he needs to change his behaviour. It’s a milestone but not a happy one for me.