Liz' s Musings's

Liz's musings on life – mostly her kids though.

Christopher’s 6 year stats July 26, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Liz @ 12:41 pm

Forgive me friends, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and reading other people’s blogs suck up most of my time. What I usually need to say I can either get done in 140 or 440 characters. It sort of alleviates the need for blogging. But I like to say I have a blog, I like to write in my blog, and in that light here I am again.

Christopher is now six! Holy Crap! Where has the time gone?!? I can’t seem to find his stats for last year (I’ll try to find them for comparison purposes) but these are his stats for 2009 …

Height – 44.5 inches which puts him in the 99th percentile
Weight – 42.4 lbs which puts him in the 88th percentile

His current stats are:

Height – 49.5 inches which puts him in the 97th percentile
Weight – 53 lbs which puts him in the 83rd percentile

He is tall and skinny! He also has a great imagination and loves telling a story about whatever imaginary play is going on. He loves Angry Birds and superheroes. I am continually amazed at how well he will pick up one skill then balk at trying something else. He definitely has his own way of doing things. He likes to tell Sarah that she is doing things “wrong”. They worked on this with him at school and we continually work with him to tell him that people aren’t doing things “wrong” they’re just not doing things his way and that is OK!

He did really well in Kindergarten this year. He was in the 1st grade reading group and just finished reading The Cat In The Hat to me last night. His teacher did an awesome job teaching him how to sound out words. He understands that an “e” at the end of a work makes the vowel say its name (most of the time). He also learned about “trickster” words that don’t follow normal phonetic convention. It’s just incredible what the kids learned in Kindergarten! I am so excited for him to start 1st grade. He just loves to learn and share what he’s learned!

And on the learning front he is continuing to learn to swim. So far this summer he graduated from Advanced Tots and did one session of Flippers. He gained some water confidence last summer. Before last summer he wouldn’t even let me get his face wet in the bathtub!!! Now he’s got loads of confidence! He’ll wear goggles and dunk his whole head!

Pictures and videos are on Facebook …