Liz' s Musings's

Liz's musings on life – mostly her kids though.

Boeuf Bourguignon Redux February 17, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Liz @ 5:01 pm

Really this is Redux II because way back in 2007 I made Beef Burgundy not knowing it was a version of the famous Boeuf Bourguignon. Taking what I started with, Beef Burgundy, and applying some things I learned from Boeuf Bourguignon I remade the dish and it is now officially Liz’s Beef and Red Wine stew. I refuse to commit to a specific variety of wine because I don’t know what I will have. Here is the revised recipe …

1 lb crimini mushrooms, quartered

½ white sweet onion, chopped

1 T butter

1 swirl around the pan of olive oil

2 cloves minced garlic

4-6 slices of bacon, sliced into ¼” strips (lardons?)

2 lbs stew meat, left to dry on paper towels

2 T flour

1 10+oz can of beef consommé

1 10+oz can worth of red wine (use the consommé can)

3 bay leaves

1 tsp dry thyme

1 ½ cup sliced carrots

1 lb egg noodles

In a large skillet, sauté mushrooms and onions in hot butter, olive oil, and garlic until golden brown. Remove from skillet and set aside.

Add bacon to skillet and fry until crisp; remove with a slotted spoon and reserve.

Add stew meat to skillet and brown in bacon fat.

Return mushroom and onion mixture to skillet and add flour, toss until flour disappears.

Add wine, beef broth, bay leaf, and thyme. Simmer covered for 30 minutes, stirring frequently. At the halfway point put the water on for the noodles. Once the water boils cook noodles according to package directions.

Add carrots and cooked bacon, and cook covered for 15 minutes longer.

Season with salt and pepper. Add noodles and stir gently to coat noodles.

Before serving, remove bay leaves.

As a funny coincidence I saw a show on The Food Network on Beef Bourguignon by Tyler Florence. He used *much* bigger pieces of beef than the average of beef stew meat. This is probably what Julia Child used also, so that would explain the necessity of a 2 1/2 – 3 hour cooking time. He also used a sweet Le Crueset pot! I think I am going to have to add that to my wish list!

I have also been playing with making bread. I found Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day a blog that discusses a book called … funny enough, Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. It’s really easy. For the basic recipe you mix yeast and salt in water and add flour. I found a 6 quart plastic tub with a lid at this place called Cash & Carry (for those of you in California, it’s like Smart and Final but not as nice) for $5. Much cheaper than anything they suggest on Amazon. I made the second loaf today (each batch makes 4 loaves) and it is so yummy!

Here is the dough …

It looks kind of gnarly but it’s quick. From here it rises for 2 – 5 hours then you make a loaf and bake it. You can refrigerate the rest. Here is the lovely baked loaf …

Uh, don’t pay any attention to the fact that it was half eaten …


Spring is around the corner … February 13, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Liz @ 12:25 pm

As evidenced by …

and …

and this …

I know the last one is a grape hyacinth but I forget what the other two are. Please enjoy this evidence that soon the trees will have leaves and the flowers will bloom.

[edited: What the f**k? Why can’t this stupid editor just put the pictures where it says it is going to put them? Well you’ll just have to figure it out.]


Stats of a 2 year old girl February 9, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Liz @ 10:48 am

They say that you can tell how tall your child will be if you double their height when they are two. Unfortunately that is a crock. I did not end up being 5’9″ so I do not want to predict that Sarah will be 5’11”. But she’s awfully big for her age! Here are her stats …

Height – 35.5″ >98th percentile

Weight – 34lbs >98th percentile

Christopher’s stats were:

Weight – 31.3lbs

Height – 35.5 inches

Head – 19.75 inches

So she and Christopher have the same 2 year old height but she has a couple of pounds on him.

My stats at 2 were:

Height – 34.75″

Weight – 29.5lbs

She got out of having shots today because she has a minor ear infection. Since she had the fever a week ago (we didn’t know why), she’s probably on the mend and won’t need antibiotics.

Naturally she charmed the doctor. She’s very friendly. Christopher stole the show by spelling his name for the doc. Very impressive since his name is 11 letters long!


Forty Four February 4, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Liz @ 1:14 pm

Yesterday was my forty fourth birthday (cue balloons and confetti). Was it a “good” birthday? I don’t know. What constitutes a “good” birthday as opposed to a “bad” birthday? For most people on the planet it’s just another day and life goes on as usual. The biggest difference for me was the plethora of people wishing me Happy Birthday. Here are the events of the day:

Thomas brought coffee to my desk. Mom took me out for lunch (Thomas came too). We had sushi at the new place in Oakway Center, Mio Sushi. While the food was very good and our waitress Alyisa was awesome,  the decor just did not fit with what I feel like a Japanese restaurant normally looks like.  I had a job interview. For those of you wondering how it went, it went fine. They’re interviewing people through next week so I won’t hear for a while. We had the remaining piece of rib roast left over from CowFest 2009, otherwise known as Christmas Eve. I made Crash Hot Potatoes from The Pioneer Woman Cooks site and I roasted some vegetables. Unfortunately due to time constraints I had to buy a birthday cake. I know, I know … I usually make my own. But that whole job interview thing sort of messed up the timing of my day. I’ll make cupcakes for Sarah’s birthday on Sunday. There are pictures of the cake ceremony, but they’re on the laptop which is with Thomas somewhere downtown. I’ll edit this sometime to add a picture or two.

So mom’s lunch was her present to me. My sister got me a subscription to Cloth Paper Scissors, a magazine she turned me on to. And Thomas and the kids got me salt and pepper grinders and nail polish.

[edited to add]And a really awesome King Estate Pinot Gris! Thanks D!

For any of my six readers who live in Eugene, we’re having a tweetup for lunch at King Estates on Sunday. All are welcome!